I don’t know how to begin this, but I suppose that’s fitting, as this is largely a blog about what I don’t know. I subtitled this “Mixed-up Musings,” because I’m hoping to puzzle out some of the many questions I have, and maybe contribute to the greater dialogue along the way. In the interest of full disclosure, I’m beginning this blog as part of my high school senior project. My first love, what I intend to pursue for my career, is linguistics (hence the name of this blog), but at this stage in my life, on the verge of so much change, what I need to write about is religion and faith. I write to figure out things I don’t understand, and much of my writing lately, both fiction and nonfiction, deals with religion. I started Babel Scattered as a way to organize these thoughts and writings and see what comes of it. What am I trying to get out of this experiment? Not wisdom or enlightenment or fame or fortune. Nothing spectacular. I have no agenda, no thesis. Only a search....
Mixed-Up Musings on Learning, Faith, and Culture.